Thursday, January 13, 2011


So yesterday was fun, we read The Story of Ping, a FIAR story. FIAR (Five In A Row) is an awesome program where you read the same story five days in a row, and each day you do something different based on the story. So yesterday we talked about buoyancy, in the bathtub. Figuring out what sinks and what floats and why. It was so much fun. The Story About Ping is an awesome story about a Chinese duck who avoids punishment and gets into way more trouble. It provided a lot of opportunity to talk about listening. Today we are going to learn a bit about China, and the Great Wall of China, and probably build it out of Lego or something. I also discovered yesterday that James likes math. At 7:30 am. Bring on the coffee! But as much as I complain about being up early, we had a great time together learning about math without the Emilie Distraction.

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